written by Doris Lessing.
The novel has 281 pages,
The genre of this novel is roman
When the time I red the first chapter this novel has interested me, but when I red more this novel makes me bored because the story of this novel just only tells about the meeting of “the group” who was want to spread the communism used by other country in the world after world war II, it also absolutely because Russia was the one of the super power after the war. They also against the capitalism who used by USA, and they want to set African people free from the slave. Beside that, Martha Quest and Anton Hesse the people of “the group” was falling in love in the first time, but Martha knows that her feeling wasn’t true, but it’s too late and she must married with Anton wherever she didn’t want it.
The most character that I like is Anton Hesse, because he’s an ice man or the silent man, hard working he always think about “the group” and he’s always loyal with “the group”, but it because he always think about “the group” he didn’t think about the others even his wife, because in the novel he with Martha even they have got married they never sit together in one place and make a dialogue like a husband with his wife, he always said about “the group”, politics and also communism, the other don’t like him because he’s a German people, and when the time Martha choose to married him Martha’s parents and friends disagree with that decision.
The novel used forward plot, because it’s tell about how the case has been stared into how it’s been finished. This novel full of political view and also about love story which are makes this novel colourful.
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