Novel Title : The Ten Commandments
Auhtor : Lawrence Sanders
Publisher : The Berkley Publishing Group
Date published : 1980 Page : 390
Genre :
Joshua Bigg is the main character of this novel. He is a young guy, and he is an orphan. He live with his brother and sister after his parent died. Joshua wanted to be lawyer, after he graduated from art science. One time Joshua joined the TORT Company; the company which served in the investigator agency. He has trained by Roscoe Dollworth, and becoming the chief investigator in two years.
There are so many interesting parts, the most is when the time Joshua and his partner want to arrest Knurr and Gylinis in Knurr’s boat, Joshua and Knurr also shot each other, and after Joshua catches Knurr about his crime to arrest Prof. Stonehouse, Joshua found Professor was killed. Knurr killed Prof. Stonehouse is asked by Gylinis, Prof. Stonehouse daughter.
Also this novel has a part that I dislike. It is when in the beginning the introductory chapter quite long and bored. It’s also tells about the progress of Joshua study, and it is also tells about the conversation of Mr. Teitelbaum the CEO of TORT with Joshua. I think that part very wasted very much.
If I was the author I will not only change the story, also I will change the part of this novel. I will make the story shorter and replace the unimportant part such as in the part 2-5 that tell about the progress of Joshua progress of learning, and I will change the introductory story because it’s not really important to show who is Joshua Bigg and how he can become the investigator if the story tells about the investigator of someone case, that background information makes a wasting part.
Then, I will change the part when Joshua catches Knurr and Gylian, Gylian shoot Knurr in his feet and he escaped from Knurr’s boat and she became the most wanted people. Then, Joshua found her, Joshua and Gylian has a capturing action and finally they came in the top of building and when Joshua almost catches Gylian. Gylian decide to jump from the top of building; she suicide because she was too scary.
The larger issue that dealt with this novel is the adventure of Joshua investigation in two case that related each other. The first case is the lost of Prof. Stonehouse and the second is the murderer of Mr. Soll Kipper that has a same suspect which Knurr. Joshua investigates the case very well and he finally accomplished the case one by one with courage and brave.
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