Review: The Doomed Oasis

Author: Hammond Innes
Pages : 287
Genre: Fiction

In the first time I like this novel because it have a good cover and good title, but when the time I read the novel I’m not interested with this novel, because the contain of the novel have an unique opening when the time there was a tragedy David (one of character) accidentally killed his father in law, but after that the story change bored. The story tells about David family’s company and it competitor and colleagues, and I think it’s not important and it’s strange. Last, contain of the story have no relationship with it title. It title is “The Doomed Oasis” but in the story only a little they talk about the oasis. So I think this novel it’s not good enough.
The most character that I like was David Thomas or David Whitaker because he’s a reckless young man because after he’s arrested by police because the case of murdered his father, he escaped from the police and gone to Arab to find his father, beside that he’s smart and talented young man because he’s done to find a new place or an empty quarter that had a rich oil and have an oasis which is full of water, and he’s a brave young man when the time war came bigger he try to attack the fort of Jebel Al-Akhbar by himself.
This novel used forward plot, because the novel tell about how David wanted to find his father who’s attract with oil, until he have found him and finally they spread each other again. The background of this novel was in Middle East country Bahrain, UAE and so on.


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